You don't have to feel like a waste of space. You're original, cannot be replaced!
Åh, beställde ett fotoalbum från fujidirekt och det kom idag! Det blir verkligen jättefint! Dock så önskade jag lite annorlunda bakrunder och hade velat ha några bilder lite större, men jättekul att ha bilderna i ett sånt här fotoformat!

to caress her body and touch her soul, for together two become a whole. The love they make is deep and true and in this embrace their love renew. When all is done and all's been said upon her breast he rests his head. A greater love he's never known

Where reality means alternate state of consciousness, reckless behavior makes the monsters go away and sanity is overrated

dreamers find their way to fly

Feels like i'm caught in the middle, while i'm in between i'm not a girl
Back to 2001-talet
i want always to be a kid and have fun

i made a wish upon a star, i turned around and there you were

Extraordinary things happens to extraordinary people

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you

It's kinda fun to do the impossible
wild horses i wanna be like you

throwing caution to the wind, i'll run free too. Wish i could recklessly love, like i'm longing to.
i know your plans don't include me

Here we are babe, what do you say? We've got tonight, who needs tomorrow? We've got tonight babe, why don't you stay.